Monday, June 26, 2017

June 25, 2017 #1

A Letter from Mom:

Dear Family,
Happy Birthday this coming week to Ashley on Friday and Ethan on Saturday!  Jaxon isn't far behind with his birthday a week from Thursday.  We love you and hope you all have great birthdays.

Congratulations to Emma as she and MiKell fly to Minneapolis for her harp competition.  We will be crossing our fingers and toes for you.

We can tell summer is upon you as we hear about basketball camps, girls camps, family camps, and scout camps.  Summer is fun but busy!

We are busy here also.  It was a disappointing day at church as we had ZERO investigators come.  One of them had surgery and the other had car troubles.  The third one we haven't relied on her to come on a regular basis yet so we weren't surprised she didn't come but still disappointed.  Please keep us in your prayers to find new investigators.  We need to have some baptisms!

It was a busy week of service.  There were some sound system men that flew in from Puerto Rico to install a new sound system in the church.  They spoke a little bit of English and with my little bit of Spanish we were able to figure it all out.  Mostly dad was involved with that for a couple days in between teaching appointments.  

A couple of weeks ago dad installed a Home Depot shed for a sister in the ward. I didn't help much but sat and read the directions and handed him the parts.  It was a hot day though.  Dad's shirt was wet in every part and we were sunburned.  On Saturday dad organized the Elder's Quorum to go make a dirt and gravel ramp to the shed so she could drive her lawnmower in.  Once again, sweat, drip, sweat, drip drip.

This week our previous branch president had two emergency surgeries for kidney stones and complications.  Both times we were the only ones available for priesthood blessings and tending kids.  There are some families off island that would have helped had they been here.  So we cancelled appointments and helped them out.  Dad gave him a powerful priesthood blessing that really helped.

About the only thing I end up doing to help is to cook.  it seems like I cook a lot.  Lately I have cooked a funeral luncheon, Memorial day potluck, a branch baby shower, father's day potluck, dinner for the ex branch president's family, and dinner for two families who just moved in.  I guess when I die you can put on my headstone, "Well, she cooked..."  And sorry to say I do less and less of that as time goes by.

There are some funny times at church sometimes.  Today we sang "Teach Me to Walk in the Light" for the opening song in sacrament meeting.  A Cruzan sister gave the opening prayer.  I could tell the song had made her think when she prayed for Heavenly Father to bless all the hard headed children.  I just had to smile during that prayer.  It was so sweet and so Caribbean.

On the chalk boards at church for Father's day a sister wrote "Happy Father's Day Wet Love"  I had to do a double take and remember that "wet" is how they say "with".  Makes you smile.  There is something almost every Sunday that makes you smile.  I wish I would stop and write them down because I would have a great list.

The last few weeks at church our Gospel Principles teacher is a no show.  Dad does a good job teaching the lesson on the spur of the moment.  Today he was worried he would have to give the talk in church too, as the speaker was late.  Another thing besides the heat that makes him sweat!

This is the last Sunday for our Mission President.  We will have a new one July 1.  President Boucher has been a good president.  They live in the Holladay area and Sister Boucher and their kids went to Olympus.  Small world.

Well, I will stop.  I think you are all busy and it is hard to do all you do and worry about reading stuff from us too. Just want you to know we love you and think of you all and keep you in our prayers.  

Dad and Mom

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June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...