Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Downfall

A couple of weeks ago I was shopping for groceries at Lins. I saw my favorite Easter candy, Peeps! I bought a package. They were so good because they were not as fresh as the ones at Walmart. The marshmellow had shrunk up a little. I LOVE them that way. So every time I have gotten groceries I keep buying their old Peeps. I think I have cleaned them out. Good thing they are gone. I am looking like a marshmellow peep after eating so many.


  1. So funny.... I LOVE peeps, too, but they HAVE to be stale. I don't like them fresh! I've avoided buying them so far, but don't know if I can make it clear through Easter without one.

  2. Old, wrinkly, peeps? Yuck! I like mine fresh.

  3. I always thought you bought those for the grandkids. The truth comes out!


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...