Sunday, April 5, 2009

There Is Hope Smiling Brightly Before Us

Conference just ended. I hate for it to be over. I hate for that feeling to gradually subside. I am so thankful for prophets who remind us that in troubled times if we follow Christ we can be safe and happy and nothing else will really matter. Oh, to think that President Monson is the prophet for our whole world and so many do not allow themselves to find the comfort and direction in his words! What a great weekend. It is nice to fill up the gas tank and get going again.

1 comment:

  1. Conference was amazing! I am sad that it is over. I asked Kirk why Saturday was so amazing. And he said, "well, according to your mom it is to reward those who listen." Good one:)


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...