Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Looked Out The Window And What Did I See?

I don't have any time to post on this blog, let alone breathe or comb my hair right now with all the construction and wedding plans. But this morning I looked out the window and just like the song says, "What did I see? Popcorn (beautiful PINK candied popcorn) popping on the apricot (nectarine) tree!" Spring has indeed brought me such "a great surprise." A peaceful reminder (in my frenzied state) from my Heavenly Father of His beautiful creations. What a treat to take a minute to enjoy the beauty of this world He has given us.


  1. Those are super pretty blossoms! And good pictures too! They don't smell like dead fish like the blossoms outside of my apartment do they? :( eh. Ha. Hope things are getting a little bit less stressful for you :)

  2. OOhhh those are so pretty!! Yay the wedding day is almost here and all will be well!


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...