Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th of July Excitement

It's Sunday evening and one by one the kids have returned to their homes. There are a couple of stragglers here, but it seems oddly quiet. Richfield is the place to be for the fourth. It seems everyone who has lived here at some point in their life comes home to celebrate and be with family. The population must triple (at least). Like Easter, children are dressed in their new clothes to watch the parade and collect the candy that is thrown to them. There are races, concerts and fun at the park. It is the time for class reunions and family reunions. It truly is a hometown celebration.
We had a great time with all of our family here except Carson and his family. My mom and Parker's friend were also here making a total of 22 of us staying together in our home. It was hectic and fun all at once. On Friday, Jacob fell off the monkey bars in the back yard and hurt his arm. He seemed ok after a little while. An hour or two later, three year old Ryan also tried out the monkey bars and fell. He ended up in the emergency room where we discovered he had broken both bones in his little arm. It was the saddest thing to see him lying so still. They had to hook him up to an IV to sedate him while they aligned the bones. He has a temporary cast until his doctor at home checks him to determine if the bones are still aligned after a few days. On Saturday morning, Jacob's arm was still hurting, so his dad took him to the emergency room while we all went to the parade. His arm was X-rayed, but it was sprained. He came back to the parade with an ACE bandage and a sling. It was a rough time to be at grandma and grandpa's house this weekend!
Here are some pictures of the racers (Parker's friend Chelsey took 1st place overall in the race for the women and Ethan took 1st place in his age division, 7th place overall), some pictures of the injured, some happy faces and Parker and Ella (age 4) worn out on the floor. Happy Fourth of July everyone!


  1. We sure had a great time. Thanks for all of your hard work Mom! I hope you have some time to recover:)

  2. Fun times with family... so sad when they get hurt. We had a great 4th, too. I hope I get caught up later, but now I have to get ready for club at my house on Thursday!

  3. OH man what crazy fun! and I bet it was a blast with everyone in the house..though crazy but still fun! Glad you had a great fourth of july weekend!

  4. Kristy, We had such a wonderful time. My most favorite time of year is the fourth of July in Richfield. Thank you for all your hard work and for cooking and cleaning on our behalf. We love you.


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...