Sunday, June 21, 2009

Emotional Turmoil

We had a great weekend. Friday night we drove up to Salt Lake and watched Michael race. It was such a fun night. He raced and we tailgated hamburgers in the parking lot and visited with his friends. It was really fun to be there and it was fun to see him race. But, when he was racing my heart was pounding like crazy and I wanted to cry. It isn't so much that he scares me, but it does scare me seeing all those other riders out there with him jumping and riding as fast as they can. If one crashes, then there is a pile up of the others right behind him. On one hand, it was thrilling. Mike was in the lead for all of the first race and we were cheering like crazy. On the other hand, it scared me because there can't be much defensive driving and there are lots of accidents.

On Saturday, we went to the Oquirrah Mountain Temple open house. It is really close by Lara's house. It was sprinkling when we left her house, but by the time we drove over there and had to get out of the car, it was a torrential downpour. We ran into the first tent as fast as we could, but we were dripping wet. As we watched the introductory video presentation, I wanted to feel the spirit of the temple. Thunder and lightening were crashing around us and the tent was billowing in and out. I kept thinking about Moroni on top of the temple who had been struck by lighting a few days before and currently has a black head, arm and trump. I didn't want to be next. It made it difficult to prepare to feel the peace of the temple. The great thing is that when we entered the temple, we left the storm outside and it was peaceful and beautiful inside.

I guess we have to have the fear to appreciate the thrill; the storm to appreciate the peace. Whatever, it was a great weekend.


  1. Nice pictures! We had a great weekend, thanks for coming.

  2. How fun! Wish I could have come! We didn't finish the race until 4:00 and of course because of lack of sleep/running etc. we were all very grump pants!! :-)

  3. I remember when Kirk was into Motocross racing when we were dating and I couldn't ever watch him. Scares me to death! And Kristy..... finally I have been catching up on some posts, so you'll have to check out my blog again. You had probably given up on me!


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...