Monday, June 7, 2010

Your opinion, Please!

Ta Da! Here's a picture of the new outside of our Rockville house. It used to be a lighter tan. We had forest green shutters on the two front windows. (the roof shingles are a black, dull green shade) I think it still needs shutters, but I am going to get vinyl ones this time instead of the wood ones I made for the original house. The vinyl will hold up better on the window that is outside the porch. I still want to have board and batten shutters, but what color would you put on? The choices are: black, Federal brown (dark brown), Moss green, or the old Forest green again. I don't really want white ones. And, which do you like the best, separated boards or the joined boards? Please give me your opinion, I have made too many decisions lately!


  1. I am gonna go with the black and seprate board ones

  2. I like the ones with the space in between as well. And I think I'll tell you the same thing as before, I don't think you can go wrong with black, but I also think green would be fun. Either one will look really good.

  3. I agree with Lara & Amber Kristy...I think black is always classic and a great combo for tan & white. Green might give it more personality though...I might stick with the forest green as the moss color might not mesh so well with the shingles. Who knows though. I should probably be having Parker answer this. He was the one giving Lara his opinion on paint for her family room Sunday. that's your boy :)

  4. I'm a fan of black. both styles of shutters looks great.


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...