Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bragging Rights

Yesterday Tristan and I drove up to Provo so we could be there early this morning to watch Lara, Mike, and Kaitlin run a half marathon. Last night we all stayed in a hotel and this morning they left at 4:45 a.m. to be bused up Provo Canyon for the start of the race. Mike showed up last night with old shoes (non-running casual shoes). Lara and I had a fit and ran to the K-MART(!!! only store open!!!) across the street at 9:30 pm and bought him some shoes to run in. They were on sale for $13.95!!! Half price!!! HA! Still better than the old ones he planned on running in. The shoes were the least of our worries for Mike. He just decided to do the race yesterday and hadn't even done a practice run or any kind of run as his knee has been bothering him. He said he just wanted to support his sisters. I even told him last night if he couldn't make it to tell someone and they would bring him down off the mountain.
Kaitlin had the flu a couple of weeks ago and was barely back into running. I worried she would have a hard time, also. Lara was prepared, however, and rarin' to go.
Tristan and I got to the finish line to greet them as they ran across. Mike had ALREADY come in and was there to greet us. We were so amazed! And he loved his shoes. HA! Then a few minutes later Lara and her friend crossed the line BEFORE their goal time. Then just a few minutes later, here came Kaitlin way BEFORE her goal time!!!
It was a fun day. Mike said he will have to get KMart to sponsor him as he runs :) They all have bragging rights about the day, but I have the most bragging rights because I am their mother and love them all and am so proud of them! Isn't it fun that they can do all the work and I can enjoy bragging about it!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS that makes me so typical of Mike..oh well I think I am going to run a half marathon...that beeder! :-) That's so awesome I am so proud of them. I really wished I could have been there but my co worker has been out for a few months from a surgery she had..yay they are so awesome!

  2. It was really fun to have you guys there. Maybe next year, you and dad should run with us:) Well, at least the 5K in Richfield. Mike owes you, he never could of run that fast without those K-Mart beauties. Maybe you should be the next Jacqueline Smith spokeswoman for K-Mart.


June 10, 2018

Dear Family and Friends, It has been a couple of months since we attempted to write a letter.  During that time, our days have been fill...